Thursday 24 December 2015

Blogmas Day 24: Christmas Eve!

Can anyone believe there's just one day left until Christmas? If I had to pick a day of the year that excites me the most, I would say Christmas eve. Probably even more than Christmas day itself because I know that when Christmas is over, so is the whole festive season.  There's just nothing else like going to sleep in the evening (or early A.M. in my case) and knowing that the next morning...

Is it just me or has the whole Christmas season gone so fast this year. I feel like I still have so many vlogmas videos to catch up on and loads of Christmas films to watch. As I'm writing this I'm actually watching High School Musical instead of a proper festive film but I couldn't resist watching it lol. 

Basically, I just can't believe how fast this winter season has gone and I feel like I want to do it all over again. I'm kinda gutted that I have to wait a whole year to go through it again, so I'm savoring the last few festive moments of this year!

How exciting is today though? I truly recommend you all sit at home, watch a Christmas film like Elf or the Polar express and have some hot chocolate. 

I hope you can all contain your excitement for tomorrow, aka one of the best days of the year. The song of the day is Merry Christmas Everyone by Slade because it's one of my all time favourite songs. Try not to stay up too late with excitement, but I know that's hard to do! Thanks for reading, 

Izzy K xxx

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